I think that photoshop is a great invention and it has many good things to it. But i think that some companies are using it too much sometimes going over the limit. In the image above you can see that the models face had been cleaned. She now has fair skin and looks like shes 10 years younger. Without the before image i wouldn't be able to tell and i probably would've said to myself WOW shes pretty. But even if i say shes pretty doesn't change what she looks like in real life. It doesn't matter how much you change and manipulate and image, when it comes to the real deal you can't hide it.
For the companies who use real faces and normal models i think it is a good trend. But you know what the reason why they are promoting it is because people are getting sick of the photo shopped images. Because it is such a common thing for magazines to do most people who pick up a magazine will say this picture is fake. That is why companies are trying a new approach, I think it will last but only for a certain period of time. That is until the public gets tired and wants something NEW.
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