It was okay so say these messages in the past?
This is actually disgusting. I'm Sorry but i would not let a guy blow smoke in my facet. I'm not sure if it was attractive to men back then but its not very attractive to me right now. I'm pretty sure many girls these days find smoke disgusting. The ad is more unrealistic to me then inappropriate. It gives the message saying that the smell of smoke will make girls like you. But is that really true? Smoke does many bad things to your body, for example your teeth. Personally i find guys with black teeth very unappealing and i think i'm not the only one who thinks that way. This ad kinda reminds you of axe body spray doesn't it?

I find this ad 10 times worse than the one above. Come on were diets that bad before? I thought the lemon juice diet was bad? This is even worse. Did people actually do this back then? were they that stupid?! I mean i know that technology wasn't really good back then but was this really necessary. The thought of it disgusts me. The ad tells you to eat and eat and eat then later just have tape worms eat your insides and you'll always stay thin. This is very suicidal don't you think? It's the wrong way to diet and if people actually believed it back then that means back in the day people were very easy going. That means that people were very easy to trick and companies profited off that. Something like this today would be laughed at. I think people in our society today are smart enough not to elieve in something as ridiculous as this.

Makes doctor's look bad
I think that this ad makes doctors look really bad, not just that it gives off a bad message. Whether it was back then or today we all trust doctors. People know that doctors study medicine, so they would know what is good for the human body and what is bad. If people see this ad which says that doctors think camel is good what do you think they'll be doing? Smoking Camels. I understand that back then they didn't know that tobacco was harmful but even so Doctors shouldn't be promoting it. It would be illegal today to advertise tobacco so this ad wouldn't even be shown.

Lard why not butter?
Come on eating lard that's eating fat! how do people not get fat eating fat? Even if back then they believed things easily back then this is not believable at all. Have a happy life by eating FAT?! use butter.
Anyways these ads are pretty good in a sense of displaying their message to the public. The content though is horrible. Today these ads would probably be considered as jokes, people wouldn't take it seriously. Half of them wouldn't even be legal. People back then sure believed in these things easily and that's what companies profit off of.

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